What we don’t realize is that the order in which life is lived is different for different people. Most let the needs of the body drive the soul and spirit, few others let the needs of the soul drive the spirit and soul and only a handful let the needs of the spirit drive the soul and the body. What do I mean by the above?
Those who are living their life very normally are driven by the needs of the body. It ranges from basic needs like food, clothing, shelter, good career and so on. When the needs of the body are met, the body instructs the mind/will/emotions to be satisfied and thereby never discover the uniqueness in them, which lives in their spirit.
There are few others who strive to be the best in what they participate in. They will be constantly seen as ones who never accept defeat, bounce back at life and never allow the needs of the body to choke their dreams and ambitions. You find people in this quadrant grow to become entrepreneurs. They are so busy in striving hard to be successful in what they do that the self-will/mind/emotions rules every thought. The uniqueness and gifting is sometimes completely supressed and overlooked.
But there are very few of them who leave their mark in the world. They are the ones who have been successful in identifying what their uniqueness is. What their gifting is, building on that, letting that seep into their soul and see the manifestation of that in body. Just to name a few are Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Joyce Meyer, Adolph Hitler and many more. Definitely, the question remains as to whether they are using the gifting to build or destroy the world. That’s a totally new discussion, which I shall cover sometime later.
So the best thing you can do is to identify which category you belong to and try and move yourself to the last category. Get yourselves to be driven by your spirit, then your soul and then your body. This needs the help of someone who knows exactly how Man operates.And that one person is none other than your creator. Any layman can tell you that there is no one better than a creator who knows how to operate or fix his creations. We are no different. We are far superior creation because we have a free will to choose what we want to influence our lives. I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will reveal himself and his plans in your life and bring about divine alignment of your spirit with his Holy Spirit and propel you into the purpose of your creation.
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