Thursday, September 13, 2007

God if you are so good,why are there so many mean people around?

One of the most frequently asked questions that I have come across is,

"God if you are so good,why are there so many mean people around?"

This is the simplest illustration I have come across that helped me answer this question when I had the same one, years before...

There was once a man who beleived in God and his presence in his life who went to a Barber for a haircut. During the hair cut, the barber struck a conversation with him. He was complaining to this man about how bad the world was, the dreadful things that heartless men were doing and how it finally proves that God truly didnt exist or didnt care as much as we beleive.

This man who was being given a hair cut knew the love of God and was wondering how he could explain the same to the barber. As soon as the hair cut was over, as the customer was ready to walk out, he turned around and told the barber  "Looks like there are no barbers in town !!"

At this remark, the barber exclaimed "How dare you say that when you just came to me and received a haircut?"
To this the customer asked " Why then are there so many people out on the streets who have unkept hair?" At this the barber made a very straightforward reply  "They did not come to me". 

The same is the case with our God Jesus, we need to go to him for our own sakes or for the sake of the ones who haven't known him and are lost in the ways of the world. He came from heaven to earth to show us the way, from the earth to the cross to pay our debts, from the cross to the grave with our sins and from the grave back to the heavens winning us complete victory for our trust in HIM.

Sometimes the situations, the meaness of the world and the bad things of life keep coming back at you making you wonder WHY GOD? WHEN WILL YOU DELIVER ME?

I just want to encourage you and tell you, even though the people in the streets were having unkept hair, this particular customer had a very well kept one, because he approached the barber and he patiently sat through the haircutting process. If he chose to leave in between, he would have looked worse than before and worse than anyone.

So whenever you cry out to the Lord, he firstly wants to take you aside into his home and disconnect you from the people of the world. Then he wants you to patiently wait till he has finished giving you that special GOD HAIR-CUT. During that process if something pains you, just continue to sit in his presence and cry out to HIM, he will fill you with his love and strength and carry you in his arms that nothing can stop you from becoming what he wants youto becomeand nothing can stop you from receiving all the great things he has in store for you.

So take one day at a time and remember you are seated in the saloon of the Lord and he is personally standing beside you and looking at you from all sides and giving you the best hair-cut.. when you walk out when he is done, the World will recognize who you are and who HE is.

The next time you hear anyone telling you about how mean the world is, you know what to do, lead them lovingly to The Lord, they need a Special God Hair Cut.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if none of us lead the guy(who is mean) to The Lord, what happens to the guy? why shouldn't god come and help the guy.
let's see this from another angle. lets replace god with devil. What if we say if you don't believe in The Devil you will go to hell.