Monday, May 16, 2011

A Good Friday Meditation (By Grace Ragappa)

In my journey back in my home country, its been very enriching to meet people from different backgrounds and age groups yet like minded. I was very blessed this good friday by a meditation by a friend of mine and pray it will bless you too..

1. A precious Life was snuffed out at Golgotha;
Too heinous for human expression, unmatched in history;
Nature and true hearts plunged into depths of sorrow;
Heaven alone, with all its hosts,gazed down in jubilance.

2.Hades hung its head in shame that Friday
Over the Christ writhing in agony on the Cross,
The Lion of Judah,so say the prophets of Him,
Momentarily donning the garb of a lamb.

3. The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
In the fiercest of battles,against the most diabolical foe,
Jesus let His crimson blood be drawn out
So man's robe may be washed as white as snow.

4 For the life of the flesh is in the blood;
His untainted blood flowed till all man's scourges
Could be blotted out from the Book of the Living;
Forever reversing the destiny of mankind.

5. That blood-blotched Friday turned to be Heaven's delight,
For the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world
Was an action plan of the mighty Maker by design,
So that Evil may be changed to Good in Divine Exchange.

By Grace Rajappa.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Its time for a "compartment" move

Back into the comfort of the 4 walls of my home
A little quiet, a little silence
Ah!! the beauty of "Rest"!

No never ending phone calls
No deadlines to chase
No immediate pressing needs to address
Ah!! the beauty of "Rest"!

An ol' friend called me and said, "Are you truly resting!!"
Sleep you probably have
Activities you probably cut off
But Is your soul at rest!!

I smiled knowing my soul wasn't quiet yet..

Oh the lover of my soul, Lord Jesus
Come and quieten my soul, I cried!

I found my mind play back
The burdens of my soul one after the other.
Burdens related to need found shelter in the faithfulness of God
Burdens related to identity found shelter in the identity of Christ
Burdens related to hurts searched and searched for shelter,
They were looking for a place to rest.

I cried! Hurt! O hurt! you have no place in me to rest
I choose to host God alone and not you.
Quiet I said Quiet!
But it sought justice vehemantly

Soul My Soul! Silence your demands
Look at beauty of forgiveness at the cross
My counsel it turned down
In my strength, it was a loosing battle.

Off I sought the Lord in haste
Make hurry O Lord Make hurry
Lest I get transformed into the likeness of the world I cried.
Make Hurry and Help me
So I may continue to be transformed into your likeness.

His word says, He answers us when we call
True to His word He came in His tender loving kindness.
I cried, Lord ! I don't want to host hurt ,
I tried but the pain wont go away
Even if I ask it to leave.

The Lord opened my eyes of discernment of His Spirit
Greater insight on the intentions of the human heart came
O !! the venom of many a human heart
I wonder! did discerning the hurt help or hinder..
The reasons for justice amplified
I knew the true intentions and not just the actions..

I cried out again!! Lord!! What do you want me to see through this?

He came silently stepped into my heart
I heard Him reshuffle few things there.
I asked Him what He was doing

He said,

"your experiences are there to stay,
what you have gone through will remain,
But I have moved the hurts from
the compartment of offense to the compartment of "traning"
"Learning to develop the fruits of the spirit in my likeness"

Suddenly, I am no longer a victim but a student of the most wise and just king.
An honour to be under His wise care! Finally it is well with my soul :)

Simply surrender and let Him choose the compartment of your heart that
needs to be reshuffled. O Soul!! You will find rest in Him.