Monday, February 16, 2009

Withdraw in prayer or Stay in grace

When faced with a situation where you know you cant go on but you are right amidst a crowd, what do you do? Do you withdraw or do you stay beyond yourself?

I Wonder what you would choose to do.

I often find myself there. A situation where I find myself,

short of grace to tolerate even the slightest mistake,
short of anymore that I can give,
short of any more strength to carry on,
short of joy to rejoice anymore,
short of mercy because of hurts,
short of compassion of another persons hurts,
and many many more...

At the same time, I also see the need of the dear ones around intense and essential.

Torn between the two, I ask myself, what would the Lord do if He were in my shoes.
Praise God, He did not just sit in HIS throne and give us commandments to keep. He stepped down
and walked every bit of a human life and lived the same and left us with the step by step
way back home.

I have learnt that,The habit of seclusion is with drawing, momentarily or for an extended
period of time, from every day noise and demands, to spend some time with God for the
purpose of connecting with God and allowing your spiritual and emotional batteries to be

When Jesus withdrew, he often prefered 2 places: around the water and the mountains.
Water speaks of life, even the storms of life. Mountains speak of strength beyond.

U withdraw gracefully
* to hear God the Father more clearly (Math 26:36-46)
* to re-charge spiritually and emotionally(mark 1:34-35)
* to eat ( mark 6:31-32)
* to gain the right perspective (john 6:15)
* to learn to do spiritual battle (Mathew 4:1-11)
* to listen to God

Jesus also withdrew when the people tried to make him King by force.John 6:14-15 and Mark 1:35

This is a place which we should exhibit caution too. The Lord deserves all the glory and if you
are in a situation where it is going to be directed to you rather than Him, we should choose to
correct and withdraw rather than take His glory.

In any other situation, I have learnt that we must choose to stay back in grace.